Add Image

Add Image

This is the option where you can add images to your videos.


Add the images you want to use in a folder in order and define the folder to the system from the Images section.

Number of Images

You can add up to 5 images to your content. You can customise the size and position of these images and apply transparency settings.

You can set how many images you want to use from the Number of Images section.

Image Settings

Width, Height, X and Y coordinate settings of the added images are made here.

According to the number of images you add, you can create the settings of each image with the expression ‘ :: ’.


Suppose we want to add 4 images to our work.

We put 4 images in a folder and defined them to the system.

Then we set the Number of Images as 4.

We need to enter the resolutions of our images and the position information if we want them to be placed in which positions.

Let's create sample resolutions and positions.


Process order: Width, Height, X, Y should be created.


As a result of these settings, 4 images will be integrated into the content in the resolutions and positions we desire.

Opacity Settings

You can use this option to adjust the transparency of your images.

Values between 1 and 9 can be given.

As it approaches 9, the image becomes more prominent. Transparency increases as you move away from this value.

In cases where more than one image is used, a separate value can be entered for each image with the ‘ :: ‘ parameter to enter a separate value for each image.


You have used three images and you want to set transparency for all three.

In this case, if 5 value is written in the Opacity Settings section, this value is applied for all images.

However, if you want to define separate values for each image, you can define separate values for each image as 5::2::7.

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