The Fade feature allows you to add a fading effect at the beginning and end of your videos.
For example, with a fade set to 3 seconds for the beginning, the video image starts out dark and brightens at 3 seconds.
If you set 3 seconds for the end of the video, the image will gradually fade to black 3 seconds before the end of the video.
Fade Settings
Fade settings are made with the " - " symbol.
At least 2 values must be entered.
A value of 0 ensures that no operation is performed.
For example, if you want to set a fade of 4 seconds only for start of video
value must be entered.
If you only want to add a 3 second fade setting to the end of video
value must be entered.
If you want to set the fade both at the beginning and end of the video;
You can enter the desired values such as.
Intro/Outro Fade
Fade settings can also be applied for Intro and Outro.
Intro Fade
When you want to set the fade for Intro only, the fade setting is applied to the end of your intro.
For example, if you want to set a fade of 3 seconds;
value is enough. So the value at the end determines your intro fade value.
Outro Fade
When you apply a fade setting for your outro, the fade is set to the beginning of the outro.
When you make a setting like this, the 4 at the end allows the fade feature to be applied to the first 4 seconds of your outro.
You should add a value of 0 to the moments you do not want to apply fade.
For example, if you want to set the fade for the outro only;
You must enter a value in the form.
fade setting is applied to the beginning and end of your video, but not to the intro. Then a 2-second fade setting is applied for Outro.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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